Does Maca Root Increase Testosterone? Know Science!

Does Maca Root Actually Improve Testosterone Know Science!

Originating from the frigid regions of the Peruvian Andes mountains, Maca root is an herb that has been used as traditional medicine by the indigenous people for several decades. Over the last few years, this herb has attracted considerable interest for its wide-ranging health benefits, particularly, its purported ability to improve testosterone. Some believe that Maca can improve sexual health and support certain parameters that are associated with testosterone production. This is likely why you might have noticed it on the label of a few testosterone boosters as well.

So are Maca and Testosterone correlated – if yes – how does science support its claims? Well, We do not take it for a word unless there is concrete evidence, which is why, We decided to explore more about this plant. Let’s take a look at our findings.

Key Points To Note
  • There is strong evidence of Maca having aphrodisiac properties and improving sexual functioning in men.
  • One of the animal studies found Maca supplementation activated the testicular Leydig cells.
  • Maca root was found to enhance physical performance in one of the clinical interventions.
  • However, no concrete study was found showing Maca’s direct impact on testosterone levels in men.

Favorable Scientific Outcomes On Maca

Favorable Scientific Outcomes On Maca Root Increase Testosterone

Maca has been used in a few testosterone-boosting supplements which might make you wonder whether the herb has any connection with testosterone synthesis. Well, the fact is, while many people use testosterone boosters to combat their low testosterone issues, some specifically look for supplements that can help improve their sexual functioning and performance. Maca, in the latter case, has proven to be an incredibly effective ingredient.

A 12-week study was conducted on men of age group 21-56 years to evaluate the effect of Maca on sex drive after 4, 8, and 12 weeks. At the end of the trial, the researchers found that Maca improved sexual desire in men after 8 weeks. However, there were no changes in testosterone levels. This shows that Maca independently was able to influence sex drive in men.

Another review study from 2010 on Maca’s influence on sexual functioning also showed a positive impact of the herb on sexual dysfunction within experimental conditions. We also found a pilot intervention where maca was given to athletes as a sports supplement and to evaluate their sex drive. The trial demonstrated better athletic performance in the group that took the supplementation. Aside from that, the volunteers also reported an improved libido in a self-rated survey.

In almost all the studies that we saw above, the findings are nearly similar supporting Maca’s positive influence on sexual functioning and not to forget, in improving athletic performance. However, more interventions are required to understand the actual process behind these.

Does Maca Increase Testosterone

Does Maca Increase Testosterone

Now the point here is- Is there any clinical proof that Maca has testosterone-boosting capabilities? None above studies showed any positive association of this herb with testosterone improvement.

A little deeper research, however, led me to a couple of clinical trials with some positive outcomes. In 2015, an animal study was conducted to examine the effect of hydroalcoholic extract powder of maca on male rats. At the end of the 6-week experiment period, researchers noted that there was a significant increase in testosterone production as a result of Leydig cell stimulation (Leydig cells are the source where testosterone is made).

The team speculated that this enhancement in testosterone synthesis could be because of cholesterol metabolism. Another reason could be the decoction method selected for this trial, although, we are unsure of how or what method each of the above studies selected. It would certainly make sense if the method of extraction varied in the studies mentioned earlier than this one.

Another case report on maca’s effect on testosterone showed a spike in the hormone level after the supplementation. However, in this case, the trial subjects were females and the trial was conducted in a different setup.


So the bottom line is, that whether Maca root improves testosterone levels is inconclusive at this time. While several reports that we have presented showed no change in testosterone levels in male humans, one animal trial promising results – an increase in its levels upon administering the herb. Moreover, the only human study that gave a slightly positive indication was on a woman subject.

That said, we cannot overlook the other benefits of Maca like its ability to improve sexual functioning and athletic performance. None of the studies have also reported any side effects post-supplementation. So if you are looking for similar health gains, then using testosterone-boosting supplements or other health powders with Maca as one of the ingredients can be beneficial and potentially safe.